The Enrich Company module allows you to enter the company’s name and domain to automatically gather detailed insights, including an overview, key employees, funding rounds, and more.

if selecting ‘Key People’ as output, specify desired roles in the ‘Key Positions to Search’ input, otherwise co-founders will be searched.

The Enrich Company module has variable inputs and variable outputs:

  • Inputs: The module has to receive the website domain of the organization, the name of the organization and (optionally) the positions of the key people that you want to find
  • Output:
    • Report: An extensive report on the organization
    • Incremental ouputs can be added with unique information on the organization: Industry, Country, City, Linkedin URL, Number of employees, Total funding, Funding rounds, Key People
  • Configs:
    • Output as JSON: If enabled, returns the result as a raw JSON result instead of a formatted markdown
    • Use Linkedin URL, the search will be made via Linkedin URL instead of Website domain and name of the company
    • Key People As List, Outputs all the key people found with the provided position in list format