The Document Q&A is designed to effortlessly learn from various sources, including Google Drive text files and PDFs.

It can swiftly respond to your queries, providing insights and finding specific information within these complex data sources.

This AI action is particularly useful when you want to build a workflow that is capable of answering complete questions from long books or documents

The Document Q&A module has one input and one output:

  • Input: Can receive an input of type text with a prompt to be answered according to the data sources provided to the AI action
  • Output: The output is of type text and answers to the prompt question in the input variable
  • Config: In the configurations menu, the model can be trained on PDFs and files located on Google Drive or a website.

In the example below, you can find an AI action before being trained on a PDF and during its training:

AI actions must always be trained until the message below is shown. You can train your AI action by clicking the button Train